Very hopeful reading Sam. Thanks for making it available!

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"It's exponential" Amen! Can I suggest that this would become more obvious if the data could be presented with semi-log plots, ie with log scale on the y-axis? Exponential data can then be fitted to a straight line and a figure for the rate of growth extracted.

This is significant as I discuss in: https://environment.john-greenwood.co.uk/how-long-is-it-going-to-take/

Ken has a point which I discuss in: https://environment.john-greenwood.co.uk/growth-ceilings/

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Exponential and S-curves do look very alike for a while - picking a nit maybe but having it top out is the point, as well as more correct for a report with graphs and stuff. We want an S-curve, one that tops out at an abundant sufficiency.

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The download does not work - at least on my Mac.....

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